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Small groups and Discipleship groups are an important part of life in a faith community. We need spaces in our lives where we can ask difficult questions, share life’s joys and challenges, and grow more deeply in our faith.

These groups gather to encourage one another on this journey we call life. Whether it be a Bible study, Sunday School class, prayer group, or just spending time together, we strive and encourage you to join one of these communities. Intergenerational connections are key components to our small-group community.

To connect you with the group that matches where you are on your spiritual journey, please contact Pastor Thomas or call the church office at 706.884.4635.

Adult Sunday School Classes

Builders Class: Adults in their 60’s and up. The class uses widely varied subject material from Bible Study to community and international social concerns, using many different teachers and eliciting broad participation in class discussion. Fellowship abounds! This class meets every Sunday from 10:00-10:45 am. 

NEW Adult Sunday School Class: The class meets at 9:45 am in the Conference Room. Get to know people who share similar seasons of 20s to 40s life and want to enrich their Christian journey. Led by Rev. Ashley Jenkins.