The ministry of ushering is a vital part of any church ministry. Ushers represent the church in a very visible way, and help set the tone in preparation for the worship service, as well as assist with the smooth operation within the service.
If you are interested in serving on the Altar Guild or Ushers Committee, please email us or call 706.884.4635.
Acolytes are responsible for helping in the worship services with candle lighting, extinguishing, and helping with the Sacraments of Communion and Baptism. Children and students from 4th to 12th grades are invited to serve. If your child is interested in serving, please contact Nicole Kostial.
Altar Flowers
Each week, our worship in the Sanctuary is enhanced by the beauty and creative expression of the flowers on the altar. Flowers are donated by congregation members. Dedications are listed in our Order of Worship (and you are welcome to remain anonymous if you wish). Not only are flowers a meaningful way to glorify God and enhance the worship experience, but they also serve another purpose: they are made into smaller arrangements and delivered to members who are sick or homebound.
If you are interested in donating the Altar Flowers, please email us or call 706.884.4635.